
German Cameroon banknotes 100 Mark 1914

german africa banknote German colonial banknotes Cameroon

German Kamerun / Cameroon banknotes 100 mark 1914  
Kaiserliches Gouvernement, Duala Issue
German banknotes, German mark banknotes, Deutsche Mark, German paper money, German bank notes, Germany banknotes, Germany paper money, Germany bank notes, German currency, German East African banknotes, German Rentenmark.

German Cameroon
German Cameroon (German: Kamerun) was a West African colony of the German Empire from 1884 to 1916 in the region of today's Republic of Cameroon. German Cameroon also includes northern parts of Gabon and the Congo with western parts of the Central African Republic, southwestern parts of Chad and far eastern parts of Nigeria.
At the outbreak of World War I, French, Belgian and British troops invaded the German colony in 1914 and fully occupied it during the Kamerun campaign. The last German fort to surrender was the one at Mora in the north of the colony in 1916.
Following Germany's defeat, the Treaty of Versailles divided the territory into two League of Nations mandates (Class B) under the administration of Great Britain and France. French Cameroun and part of British Cameroons reunified in 1961 as Cameroon.

German marks (DEP) circulated, and the Government of Kamerun issued emergency Cameroon Marks (CMDM) in 1914. The Mark was divisible into 100 Pfennige. British Pounds Sterling (GBP) circulated in British Cameroon along with banknotes issued by the West African Currency Board (XWAP) until northern British Cameroon joined Nigeria in 1961 and the Nigerian Pound (NGP) began to circulate.