
Assignats Russia 50 Assignation Rubles of 1808

Assignat Early money currency banknote
 Assignat 50 Assignation rubles 
Russia State Assignat 50 Assignation rubles of 1808
Assignats - first Russian paper money issued by the Russian Imperial Assignation Bank.

On the obverse is the text: "ОБЪЯВИТЕЛЮ СЕЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ АССИГНАЦИИ ПЛАТИТЬ АССИГНАЦИОННЫЙ БАНК ПЯТЬДЕСЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ ХОДЯЧЕЮ МОНЕТОЮ 1808 ГОДА." (Payable to the bearer of this State Assignation by the Assignation Bank in "circulation coin" One Hundred Rubles of 1808.) ПЯТЬДЕСЯТЬ (FIFTY) - An ornate version of the note’s denomination, or sum, in white letters against a black background. Above the text is the Assignat's denomination in Arabic figures.
  Below are the handwritten signatures of the Bank director and one of the cashiers.

The two embossed medallions on the top of the banknote:
At the left medallion - It included the same military attributes (cannon and banners) with the addition of cannonballs and, in addition, the attributes of trade (a bale with goods, a barrel, a scepter-caduceus of Mercury) and a ship in the sea. The composition was crowned with the inscription "ПОКОИТЪ И ОБОРОНЯЕТЪ" (PEACE AND DEFENSE).
At the right medallion - The impregnable rock in a stormy sea, sea waves with sea monsters. The composition was crowned with the inscription "НЕВРЕДИМА" (UNHARMED).

Reverse: On the center the text: «Сов. пр. б.» (Advisor to the Chairman of the Bank's board) and a handwritten signature.

The paper is watermarked. Above and below in two lines are inscription ЛЮБОВЬ К ОТЕЧЕСТВУ (LOVE FOR THE FATHERLAND) / ДЕЙСТВУЕТ К ПОЛЬЗЕ ОНОГО (EFFECTIVE FOR THE BENEFIT OF IT). At the sides are ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ КАЗНА (STATE TREASURY) on one hand and on the other the note's value spelled out in old Slavic letters. In the corners are displayed the coat of arms of the four Tsardoms –Tsardom of Astrakhan, Tsardom of Moscow, Tsardom of Kazan and Tsardom of Siberia.



Russia State Assignat 1769-1784 Issue

25 Rubles 1769     25 Rubles 1778     50 Rubles     75 Rubles     100 Rubles

Russia State Assignat 1786-1818 Issue

5 Rubles     10 Rubles     25 Rubles     50 Rubles     100 Rubles

Russia State Assignat 1818-1843 Issue

5 Rubles     10 Rubles 1819     10 Rubles 1840     10 Rubles 1841     25 Rubles
 50 Rubles        100 Rubles        200 Rubles