
Venezuela currency 20 Bolivares banknote 1910 Banco de Venezuela

Venezuela currency 20 Bolivares
Venezuela bolivares billete de papel moneda
Venezuela currency 20 Bolivares banknote 1910 issued by the Banco de Venezuela

Obverse: Black over yellow and green underprint. On the right a cowboy with cattle. At upper left corner, the issuer name "BANCO DE VENEZUELA". In each corner, the denomination value "20" within a rossete (except upper left corner). At left, a rosette with the denomination value "20" within surrounded by the the payment clause "VALE POR VEINTE BOLIVARES QUE SE PAGARAN AL PORTADOR EN CARACAS A LA PRESENTACION". In the top, the legend of the capitalization amount "SOCIEDAD ANONIMA", with an overpint of the capitalization amount "CAPITAL Bs 12.000.000". Below the main theme, the date "Caracas, ______ de 19__".
Reverse: Green background pattern. In the center, inside a circle Coat of Arms with the motto "INDEPENDENcia", "LIBERTAD", "5 DE JULIO 1811", "28 DE MARZO 1864" and "DIOS Y FEDon", on each side the denomination value "20" within a rosette each side. Above and below the Coat of Arms the issuer name "BANCO DE VENEZUELA".
Design variations: From Design B, Type B, near to the representation, an overprint of the payment clause "Pagaderos en las oficinas del Banco".
Printed by American Bank Note Company, New York.