Danzig coins Ort - 1/4 Thaler silver coin of 1623 King Sigismund III Vasa

Polish Coins Danzig collection
Poland coins Sigismund Danzig silver taler
Coins of Medieval Poland, Danzig - Ort - 1/4 Thaler silver coin
Coins of Medieval Poland, Danzig - Ort - 1/4 Thaler silver coin minted in 1623 during the reign of the Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland and Sweden.

Obverse: Crowned, armored half bust of Sigismund III with and order of the golden fleece neck ruff right.
Legend: SIGIS . III . D:G: REX . POL . M : D : L RPR .
Comment: First two digits of date (16) in fields.

Reverse: Oval arms of Danzig, supported by two lions. Third and fourth digit (.24.) of date above.

Reference: Gumowski 1391, Kopicki 7504, KM-15.2. R!
Diameter: 29 mm
Weight: 6.93 gram of Silver