Mongolia 500 Togrog silver coin of 2011, Ural Owl (Strix uralensis),
Mongolian Endangered Wildlife Series.
The coin obverse portrays a splendid Ural Owl depicted with Swarovski elements crystals for eyes, on top left edge there is the legend "Endangered Wildlife" and on bottom the year of issue 2011. The incredibly detailed design and the circular shape of owl's facial disk creates a very harmonious effect with the shape of the coin.
On coin reverse the State Coat of Arms and the coin value, "500 Togrog".
This coin is COTY 2013 (Coin Of The Year) winner in "Most Popular Coin" category.
Struck in 99.9% silver with an antique finish, the weight is 1 troy ounce and diameter is 38.61 mm. The mintage is indicated at 2,500 pieces.
The Ural owl (latin Strix uralensis) is a big owl with a distinctive facial disc. It lives in open lichen forests and big moorlands in the northern hemisphere. The Ural owl feeds on mice, birds and insects. Also bigger animals such as rabbits and young wood grouse hens are among their prey pattern.
The Ural owls laying season begins in March. Thereby the female lays about four eggs within two to three days. During incubation the male animal is responsible for foraging. Already one month later the young hatch. The young animals leave their nest approximately 90 days after birth. They mostly spend their life within a small radius of their place of birth. Major migrations have only been observed with a few specimens. In freedom, the Ural owl can reach an age of over 20 years.