
Spain currency 5 Pesetas Silver Certificate banknote 1935

Spain currency money 5 Pesetas Silver Certificate banknote
Spain 5 Pesetas banknote
Spain currency money 5 Pesetas
Spain 5 Pesetas
Spain currency 5 Pesetas Silver Certificate banknote 1935
Spanish Currency, Spanish peseta, Spanish banknotes, Spanish paper money, Spanish bank notes, Spain banknotes, Spain paper money, Spain bank notes, Billetes de España, Pesetas Billetes Españoles.

Obverse: Bust of a woman as an allegory of the Spanish Republic, also include the legends "Silver Certificate" (Certificado de Plata) and "legal tender" (De curso legal).
Signatures: Alfredo Zavala Lafora (Governor - El Gobernador, February 1924 - October 1929); Adolfo Castaño Orejón (The Auditor - El Interventor); Joaquín Serrano Montero (Cashier - El Cajero).
Reverse: Denomination and guilloche design.
Dimensions: 101 x 60 mm.
Printer: Bradbury Wilkinson, New Malden and Co. Ltd., New Malden, Surrey, England.

Spanish Banknotes - Spanish Paper Money
1935 Silver Certificates Issue

5 Pesetas       10 Pesetas