TURKEY 50 Lira Silver Commemorative Coin, 900th Anniversary of the Battle of Malazgirt, 1971(ND).

Commemorative coins Turkey silver
Commemorative coins Turkey
TURKEY 50 Lira Silver Commemorative 900th Anniversary of the Battle of Malazgirt Alparslan (Battle of Manzikert), 1971(ND).

The Battle of Manzikert, or Malazgirt, was fought between the Byzantine Empire and Seljuq forces led by Alp Arslan on August 26, 1071 near Manzikert (modern Malazgirt, Turkey, in Mus (province)). It resulted in one of the most decisive defeats of the Byzantine Empire and the capture of the Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes. The Battle of Manzikert played an important role in breaking the Byzantine resistance and preparing the way for Turkish settlement in Anatolia. The battle marked the high point of the initial Turkish incursions and was followed up two years later with a large influx of Turkish settlers and soldiers, many at the request of the crumbling Byzantine Empire.