
Bahamas 5 Bahamian Dollars banknote 1965 Queen Elizabeth II

Bahamas money notes Bahamian Dollars banknotes, Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth on the Bahamas notes
Bahamas five dollar note money Bahamian Dollars
Bahamas 5 Dollar note
Currency of The Bahamas 5 Bahamian Dollars banknote of 1965, Queen Elizabeth II
"Currency Note Act" Issue

Obverse: One of the more beautiful portraits of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, wearing the George IV State Diadem and the necklace that was a wedding gift from the Nizam of Hyderabad and Berar.
Reverse: Bahamas Government House in Nassau and Christopher Columbus Statue located at the foot of Government house.
Printed by Thomas De La Rue currency note printers in England.

Bahamian Banknotes - Bahamas Paper Money
1965 "Currency Note Act" Issue
50 Cents      1 Dollar      3 Dollars      5 Dollars      10 Dollars     

 20 Dollars      50 Dollars      100 Dollars

Bahamas Government House in Nassau
   Government House is the residence of the Governor-General, the Queen’s representative in the Bahamas. Like in Canada, the role is largely ceremonial and an elected prime-mister is the acting head of government. Constructed in 1806 this house is built in the neoclassical style with a central pediment and like the Parliament buildings is painted bright pink.
   The statue of Christopher Columbus, which stands at the harborside entrance of the building, was reportedly designed in London by an aide to American novelist Washington Irving, a Columbus biographer. The 12-foot-tall representation was placed in front of Government House by Governor James Carmichael Smyth in 1830. As another observer wrote of the statue, "It is fortunate that the statue is labeled, for otherwise no one would ever guess that the swaggering, piratical-looking figure, with a slouch hat cocked rakishly on its head and a toga over its shoulder, is intended to represent Columbus".