
African currency Congo Zaire 10 Makuta banknote 1968 President Mobutu Sese Seko

African currency Congo Zaire 10 Makuta banknote 1968 President Mobutu Sese Seko
 Congo Zaire currency - 10 Makuta banknote, President Mobutu Sese Seko
African money currency Congo Zaire 10 Makuta banknote 1968 Palace of the Nation, Kinshasa
 Congo Zaire money - 10 Makuta note
African currency Congo Zaire 10 Makuta banknote 1968
National Bank of Congo - Banque Nationale du Congo

Obverse: Portrait of President Mobutu Sese Seko in military uniform at right. Kinshasa stadium at center left. BNC - Monogram of the National Bank of Congo at left.
Reverse: View of the Palace of the Nation (Palais de la Nation), Kinshasa.
Main colour: Blue on olive-green and multicolored underprint.
Watermark: Antelope's head.
Printed by Thomas de la Rue & Company Limited, London, England.

Congo Republic Banknotes
1967-1971 Issue

10 Makuta   20 Makuta   50 Makuta   1 Zaire   5 Zaires   5 Zaires 1971   10 Zaires