
Belgium bank notes 100 Belgian francs banknote of 1914

World money currency Belgium Belgian francs banknotes notes bill
100 Belgian francs banknote
World currency Belgium Belgian francs banknotes
 100 Belgian franc bank note 
World currency Belgium - 100 Belgian francs banknote of 1914, issued by the National Bank of Belgium - Banque Nationale de Belgique.
Belgian banknotes, Belgian paper money, Belgian bank notes, Belgium banknotes, Belgium paper money, Belgium bank notes.

On the front side we can see two four-in-hands, which are driven by Ceres, godess of the Earth, and Neptunus, god of the Sea. On the left and the right side of the Belgian Lion, feminine figures are displayed who refer to Science (left) and Trade and Industry (right). The back side of the banknote shows other allegories sowing and harvesting corn. With this image the artist wants to emphasize the fertility of the earth and the importance of labour.

This ingenious 100 franc banknote design was created by Constant Montald (1862-1944), Belgian painter, muralist, sculptor, and teacher.
This 100 franc note has similar design with 10000 Belgian francs = 2000 belgas banknote of 1929.