
Estonian 100 Krooni banknote of 1935

Estonian paper money currency 100 Krooni banknote note
Estonian 100 Krooni banknote bill
Estonian 100 Krooni banknote of 1935 issued by the Bank of Estonia - Eesti Pank

Obverse: Blacksmith working at an anvil at left. The face value in arabic numerals "100" in ornate guilloche at right.
Reverse: Coat of arms of Estonia at center.
Watermark: 100 surrounded by oak leaves and acorns.

Prevailing colour - Bluish grey; Format 180 x 102 mm.
Designed by G. Reindorff.
Signatures: J. Jaakson, C. Kaarna, J. Rosenfeldt.
Printed by State Printing Office, Tallinn, Estonia - Riigi Trükikoda, Tallinn, Eesti.
Date of issue 15.10.1936 - Invalid from 25.03.1941.

Estonian banknotes - Estonia paper money 
1928 - 1940 Issue 

 5 Krooni        10 Krooni        20 Krooni        50 Krooni        100 Krooni