
Estonian 5000 Marka banknote 1923

Estonian banknotes world money collection
World paper money Estonia 5000 Marka banknote
Estonian currency 5000 Marka banknote 1923
Bank of Estonia - Eesti Pank

Obverse: Coat of arms of Estonia at center.
Reverse: The building of Eesti Pank - Bank of Estonia at center. The face value in arabic numerals "5000" at left and right.

Signed by E. Aule, J. Sihver, L. Sepp.
Colour: Blue.
Dimensions: 190 x 101 mm.
Printing office: Elsner, Berlin, Germany.
Amount produced: 174500.
Designed by R. Nyman.
Date of issue 15.04.1924.
Invalid from 01.01.1932.

Estonian banknotes - Estonia paper money
1922-1923 Issue

100 Marka        1000 Marka        5000 Marka

Bank of Estonia building
The building at Estonia pst 13 is the former Revel office of the Russian National Bank.
  Built in the Neo-Gothic style of yellow brick and with a granite socle, the building was completed in 1909 for the local office of the Russian National Bank. It was designed by the Russian architect Aleksander Jaron, following the example of the St. Petersburg Loan Office and a standard design of a national bank building for Russian county towns. The Historical style prevails throughout the building and combines elements of various styles.
  The large hall (previously used for customer transactions) in the Neo-Renaissance style boasts marbleised half columns with Ionic capitals. In the second-floor corridors there are more Neo-Renaissance elements and in the rooms of the first floor wall decorations in the Art Nouveau style.
  The Large Hall or the Independence Hall is one of the symbols of independence as the Temporary Government was established here in 24 February 1918. There is a large painting "24 February 1918" by Russian Symbolist Nikolai Kalmakov, done in 1921, which depicts members of the Salvation Committee Konstantin Päts, Jüri Vilms and Konstantin Konik. The ante-room has a display of portraits of Eesti Pank governors Mihkel Punga, Eduard Aule, Artur Uibopuu, Jüri Jaakson, Rein Otsason and Siim Kallas (Enn Põldroos, 1994).
  It was the main building of Eesti Pank until 1935, whilst the Ministry of Finance shared the premises in the 1920s. It has been in the ownership of Eesti Pank since 1992.