
Tunisia currency 10 Tunisian Dinars banknote 1986

Tunisia paper money currency Tunisian Dinars Banknotes notes
10 Tunisian Dinars banknote
Tunisia money - 10 Tunisian Dinars Bank note bill
 10 Tunisian Dinars bank note - Offshore oil and gas platforms
Tunisia paper money 10 Tunisian Dinars banknote of 1986, issued by the Central Bank of Tunisia - Banque Centrale de Tunisie

Obverse: Portrait of Habib Bourguiba (3 August 1903 – 6 April 2000), the Founder and the first President of the Republic of Tunisia from July 25, 1957 to 7 November 1987. Oil works - an olive plantation - an olive tree and a branch of olive tree, symbolising the importance of this tree-related activity in the economy. The note denomination is indicated in arabic figures and letters.
Reverse: Offshore oil field of Ashtart in the Gulf of Gabes. Offshore Oil Industry - Offshore oil and gas platforms or offshore oil & gas rigs.
Watermark: Portrait of President Habib Bourguiba.
Dimensions: 170 x 85 mm.