
French Pacific Territories 1000 Francs 2014

French Pacific Territories 1000 Francs 2014

French Pacific paper money 1000 CFP Franc

French Pacific Territories New 1000 francs 2014

Obverse: Parakeet as registration device. Tapa cloth patterns (Wallis Island). Stingray (Manta ray). Tortoise.

Reverse: Horned Parakeet (Eunymphicus cornutus) on branch. Kagu or Cagou (Rhynochetos jubatus) bird in flight. White terns. Siapo cloth patterns (Futuna Island). Parakeet. Solid security thread with demetalized IEOM.

Main colour: Brown and orange-brown.
Watermark: Outrigger canoe with sail and electrotype 1000.
Issuer: IEOM - Institut d’Emission d’Outre-Mer
Printer: BdF (Banque de France)
Printing method: Intaglio.
Size of note: 126 x 66 mm.
Material: Cotton paper.
Date of Issue: 20 January 2014.
Signatures: Christian Noyer (Le Président du Conseil de Surveillance); Nicolas de Seze (Le Directeur Général); Philippe La Cognata (Le Directeur).
Texts: Institut d’Emission d’Outre-Mer. République Française. Mille Francs CFP.

French Pacific Territories New Banknotes 2014 

500 Francs    1000 Francs    5000 Francs    10000 Francs

 French Pacific Territories Bank notes and paper money from French Pacific Territories 
1985-2013 Issue 

 500 Francs    1000 Francs    5000 Francs    10000 Francs