
Netherlands New Guinea 1 Gulden banknote 1954 Queen Juliana

Netherlands New Guinea banknotes 1 Gulden banknote 1954 Queen Juliana

Netherlands New Guinea paper money 1 Gulden note 1954

Netherlands New Guinea banknotes 1 Gulden banknote 1954 Queen Juliana

Obverse: Portrait Queen Juliana at right, sicklebill at left.
Reverse: Batik.
Printer: Johan Enschede en Zonen
Signature: Kernkamp
Size: 130 x 60 mm
Issued by Ministry of Overseas Territories (Ministerie van Overzeesche Rijksdelen)

Netherlands New Guinea Banknotes - Netherlands New Guinea Paper Money
Queen Juliana, 2nd Series  – 1954 Issue

1 Gulden    2 1/2 Gulden    5 Gulden    10 Gulden    25 Gulden    100 Gulden    500 Gulden

Juliana of the Netherlands
Juliana (Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina; 30 April 1909 – 20 March 2004) was Queen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands between 1948 and 1980. She was the only child of Queen Wilhelmina and Prince Henry. She was married to German aristocrat Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld, with whom she had four children: Princess Beatrix (born 1938), Princess Irene (born 1939), Princess Margriet (born 1943), and Princess Christina (born 1947). During the Second World War she lived in exile with her children in Ottawa, Canada. She became Queen of the Netherlands with her mother's abdication in 1948 and was succeeded by Queen Beatrix after her own abdication in 1980. During her reign both Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) (proclaimed in 1945, recognized in 1949) and Suriname in 1975 became independent from the Netherlands. Her birthday was celebrated annually as Koninginnedag (Queen's Day) until the accession of her grandson King Willem-Alexander to the throne, when it was replaced with Koningsdag (King's Day). Upon her death at the age of 94, she was the longest-lived former ruling monarch in the world. She is commemorated in space, in the name of the asteroid 816 Juliana.

The sicklebill is a large bird-of-paradise of midmountain forests of New Guinea.