
1880 Ten Dollar “Jackass Note” Legal Tender Note

US currency 1880 Ten Dollar bill Jackass Note
$10 “Jackass Note,” Series of 1869 to 1880
1880 10 Dollars Legal Tender Note
1880 $10 Legal Tender Note
1880 Ten Dollar “Jackass Note” Legal Tender Note

Ten dollar legal tender notes from 1880 are typically called Jackass notes by collectors.
$10 “Jackass Note,” Series of 1869 to 1880, was ranked 71st most beautiful note in the book 100 Greatest American Currency Notes compiled by Bowers and Sundman.

Obverse: Bust of Daniel Webster, U.S. Congressman and Senator; Secretary of State in 1841 and from 1850-1852. Engraved by Alfred Sealey. At the right, Indian Princess Pocahontas being presented to England’s royal court. This is the first “Jackass note,” so-called because the eagle on bottom of the note looks like the head of a jackass when the note is held upside down. All notes from Nos. 96-113 are the so-called “Jackass” notes.
Signatures: (as depicted) Blanche Kelso Bruce, Register of the Treasury and Albert U. Wyman, Treasurer of the United States.

Inscriptions:  Act of March 3rd 1863  -  Engraved & Printed at the Bureau, Engraving & Printing  -  Register Of The Treasury  -  Treasurer Of The United States  -  This Note Is A Legal Tender For Ten Dollars  -  Series of 1880   -  The United States Will Pay The Bearer Ten Dollars Washington D.C.  -  United States Note  -  Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur  -  Printed at the Bureau, Engraving & Printing Treasury, Dep!  -  United States of America  -  This Note is a Legal Tender at its face value for all debts public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt.  Counterfeiting or altering this note or passing any counterfeit or alteration of it, or having in possession any false or counterfeit plate or impression of it, or any paper made in imitation of the paper on which it is printed is felony, and is punishable by $5,000 fine, or fifteen (15) years imprisonment at hard labor or both.

Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster (January 18, 1782 – October 24, 1852) was a leading American senator representing Massachusetts and statesman during the era of the Second Party System. He was the outstanding spokesman for American nationalism with powerful oratory that made him a key Whig leader. He spoke for conservatives, and led the opposition to Democrat Andrew Jackson and his Democratic Party. He was a spokesman for modernization, banking, and industry, but not for the common people who composed the base of his enemies in Jacksonian Democracy. "He was a thoroughgoing elitist, and he reveled in it," says biographer Robert Remini. During his 40 years in national politics, Webster served in the House of Representatives for 10 years (representing New Hampshire), in the Senate for 19 years (representing Massachusetts), and was appointed the United States Secretary of State under three presidents.

United States 10 Dollar Bills

United States 10 Dollar Bill, “Jackass Note” Legal Tender Note, Series 1880

10 Dollar Bill : United States Military Payment Certificates US MPC