
1882 Fifty Dollar Gold Certificate "Triple Signature"

US currency money 1882 Fifty Dollar bill Gold Certificate Silas Wright
1882 Fifty Dollar Gold Certificate
1882 $50 Gold Certificate
1882 Fifty Dollar Gold Certificate "Triple Signature"

Obverse: Bust of Silas Wright, 1795-1847, famous contemporary figure in government. He was both a U.S. Senator (1833-1844) and Governor of New York (1845-1847). Wright’s portrait was engraved by Charles Burt from a painting by Alonzo Chappell.
Reverse: Eagle on Draped Shield.
Signatures: (as depicted) William Starke Rosecrans, Register of the Treasury and James Nelson Huston, Treasurer of the United States - Countersigned by Thomas C. Acton, Assistant U.S. Treasurer.

Inscriptions:  Gold Certificate  -  This Certifies That Fifty Dollars of Gold Coin There Have Been Deposited In The Treasury Of The United States. That sum is Repayable in Gold Coin on Demand on the presentation hereof at the office of the U. S. Assistant Treasurer at New York city. Washington D.C.  -  Bureau Engraving & Printing  -  Department Series  -  Under Chap. 290 Sec. 12 of the Act of July 12th 1882  -  Garfield  -  Register Of The Treasury  -  Treasurer Of The United States  -  Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur  -  United States Fifty Dollars Gold Certificate

Silas Wright, Jr. (May 24, 1795 – August 27, 1847) was an American Democratic politician - United States Senator from New York, a member of the Albany Regency.

United States 50 Dollar Bills

Thomas C. Acton, Assistant U.S. Treasurer
Thomas Coxon Acton (February 23, 1823 – May 1, 1898) was an American public servant, politician, reformer, police commissioner of the New York City Police Department and the first appointed president of its Board of Police Commissioners. He and Commissioner John G. Bergen took control of the police force during the New York Draft Riots with Action directing police and military forced against rioters in Manhattan.
  A noted political and social activist, he also held several important government positions throughout his career including superintendent of the New York Assay Office, Assistant U.S. Treasurer and, most notably, the founder and president of the Bank of New Amsterdam. It was also largely due to his efforts that the modern New York City Fire Department was established replacing the outdated colonial-era volunteer firefighter system.

  He was born in New York City in 1823, near Washington Square Park. Although from largely a poor background, he was educated in public schools and found employment as a deputy clerk under Clerk Bradford. He eventually held a position as a Deputy Register for nearly six years. He was appointed police commissioner of the old Metropolitan police district by Governor Edwin D. Morgan in May 1860 along with John G. Bergen and Superintendent John Kennedy. He was also made president of the Board of Police Commissioners when New York County, at the time comprising the entirety of present-day New York City, was formed. Acton held this post until the outbreak of the American Civil War a year later.
  Acton temporarily reassumed command during the New York Draft Riots when he and Bergen took over the police force after Superintendent Kennedy was incapacitated following an attack by a mob during the first hours of the riots. While Bergen oversaw actions in Staten Island and Brooklyn, Acton took charge of police forces in Manhattan. His organizational skills, working in coordination with the military, were partially responsible in bringing an end to the rioting. He received and answered over 4,000 telegrams and directed police and military forces, army officers keeping in close contact with the commissioner and referring to him for troop movements. While assuming the position of the Superintendent's office, Acton reportedly did not sleep once during the five-day period or did he leave police headquarters with exception to brief inspection tours. The strain on his health during the riots forced him to take a leave of absence from the force for the next five years.
  Following his departure from the NYPD, Acton became the superintendent of the U.S. Assay Office in New York and held the post until 1875 when he was appointed Assistant U.S. Treasurer. He spent four years at the U.S. Treasury before resigning his position to establish the Bank of New Amsterdam. He held numerous government positions during his later political career as well as becoming a noted social activist and reformer. Action was a founding member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Children as well as a member of the Geographical and New York Historical Society. Despite years of opposition, Acton was instrumental in the founding of the modern New York City Fire Department which replaced the old volunteer firefighter service.
  A strong supporter of President Abraham Lincoln and abolitionist movement, Acton was also one of the most important political activists in the city during the post-Civil War era. He was an honorary member of the Union League Club since 1864 and later helped establish the Republican Party in Tammany Hall-dominated New York with the help of Marshall B. Blake and Fred A. Conkling, brother of U.S. Congressman Roscoe Conkling. In 1887, he was nominated to run as the Republican candidate for the Mayor of New York but refused to accept due to his own business dealings at the time. He would again decline to run at the next election as well. He did, however, remain an opponent to Tammany Hall and its policies. Among his personal friends were Horace Greeley and George W. Jones, editors of the New York Times and New York Tribune respectively.
  In 1896, he moved to his summer home in Saybrook, Connecticut. In failing health for some time, Acton died at his home from a complication of diseases on the evening of May 1, 1898. At the time of his death, he was still a director of the Bank of New Amsterdam. His death was attended by his wife, son and three daughters.
  Over one hundred of Acton's letters documenting his career as a member and president of the Board of Police Commissioners are held in the Lloyd Sealy Library's Special Collections at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.