
1882 One Hundred Dollar Gold Certificate

US currency One Hundred Dollar 1882 Gold Certificate
1882 One Hundred Dollar Gold Certificate
old US paper money 1882 100 Dollar Gold Certificate
1882 $100 Gold Certificate
1882 One Hundred Dollar Gold Certificate

Obverse: Bust of Thomas Hart Benton, who served in both the U.S. Senate, 1821-1851, and in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1853-1855. (The obverse of the 1882 issues differs in several minor respects from the 1922 issue.)
Reverse: Eagle on fasces
Signatures: (as depicted) Blanche Kelso Bruce, Register of the Treasury and Albert U. Wyman, Treasurer of the United States.

Inscriptions:  Gold Certificate  -  This Certifies That There Have Been Deposited In The Treasury Of The United States Of America One Hundred Dollars In Gold Coin Repayable To The Bearer On Demand Washington D.C.  -  Bureau Engraving & Printing  -  Department Series  -  Under Chap. 290 Sec. 12 of the Act of July 12th 1882  -  Garfield  -  Register Of The Treasury  -  Treasurer Of The United States  -  Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur  -  United States Gold Certificate

United States 100 Dollar Bills