
1907 Five Dollar Legal Tender Note Woodchopper

1907 5 Dollar Legal Tender Note Woodchopper
Five Dollar Bill From Series of 1907 Woodchopper and his family
1907 Five Dollar Legal Tender Bill
1907 Five Dollar Legal Tender Bill
United States Notes - 1907 Five Dollar Legal Tender Note Woodchopper

Obverse: Bust of Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States, 1829-1833, from a painting by Thomas Sully, engraved by Alfred Sealey. At center, a Pioneer Family, engraved by Henry Gugler.
Reverse: Ornate Engraved Design.
Signatures: (as depicted) Houston Benge Teehee, Register of the Treasury and John Burke, Treasurer of the United States.

The nickname for the 1907 $5 bill is the woodchopper.  The note has the portrait of Andrew Jackson on the left hand side.  The central image is that of a pioneer family moving west.  A husband and wife are pictured with their young baby.  There is also a hound dog in the frame.  The man is holding an ax.  We sometimes here this one called the wood splitter; however, woodchopper is certainly the most well-known nickname.

Inscriptions:  Series of 1907  -  Act of March 3rd 1863  -  Engraved & Printed at the Bureau, Engraving & Printing  -  Register Of The Treasury  -  Treasurer Of The United States  -  Legal Tender For Five Dollars  -  The United States Will Pay The Bearer Five Dollars Washington D.C.  -  United States Note  -  Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur  -  Engraved & Printed at the Bureau, Engraving & Printing  -  United States of America  -  This Note is a Legal Tender at its face value for all debts public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt.  Counterfeiting or altering this note or passing any counterfeit or alteration of it, or having in possession any false or counterfeit plate or impression of it, or any paper made in imitation of the paper on which it is printed is felony, and is punishable by five thousand ($5,000) dollars fine, or fifteen (15) years imprisonment at hard labor or both.

United States 5 Dollar Bills

United States 5 Dollar Bill, Legal Tender Note Woodchopper, Series 1907

5 Dollar Bills : United States Military Payment Certificates US MPC