
1914 Five Dollar Federal Reserve Note Red Seal

1914 Five Dollar Federal Reserve Note Red Seal
 Series of 1914 $5 Federal Reserve Note Red Seal
1914 5 Dollars Federal Reserve Note Red Seal
United States five dollar bill: Christopher Columbus - View of Land, Landing of the Pilgrims. 
United States banknotes Five Dollar Federal Reserve Note Series 1914 New York

Obverse: Portrait of Abraham Lincoln at the center of the bill. There is a Red Treasury seal on the right hand side of the bill and the serial numbers are in red ink.
Reverse: The left side of the reverse features a scene from the painting “Columbus's Discovery of Land” by Charles Schussele showing Columbus and members of his crew aboard the flagship Santa Maria as they approached the New World for the first time in October 1492. The right side of the reverse features a scene from the painting "The Landing of the Pilgrims" by an unknown artist showing the Pilgrims landing ashore when they arrived from England in 1620. (Mayflower Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620).
Predominant colors: Black and green.
Signatures: (as depicted) John Burke, Treasurer of the United States and William Gibbs McAdoo, United States Secretary of the Treasury.
Issued by: The Federal Reserve New York - Bank of New York 2-B.
Printer & Engraver: Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Inscriptions:  Federal Reserve Note  -  Series of 1914  -  Authorized by Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913  -  The United States Will Pay To The Bearer On Demand Five Dollars  -  Washington D.C.  -  Register Of The Treasury  -  Treasurer Of The United States  -  Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur  -  This note is receivable by all national and member banks and federal reserve banks for all taxes, customs and other public dues, it is redeemable in gold on demand at the treasury department of the United States in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or in gold or lawful money at any federal reserve bank.

Variations:  There are a total of 24 varieties of 1914 $5 red seals.  All twelve federal reserve districts issued 1914 five dollar red seals.  Each district is responsible for two different varieties.  Despite the 24 different Freidberg numbers, all 1914 $5 red seals are signed by Burke and McAdoo.

United States 5 Dollar Bills

United States 5 Dollar Bill, Federal Reserve Note Red Seal, Series 1914

5 Dollar Bills : United States Military Payment Certificates US MPC