
Puerto Rico 1 Peso Exchange Note 1895 Billete de Canje

Puerto Rico 1 Peso Note 1895
Puerto Rican peso
Puerto Rico currency 1 Peso banknote 1895

Puerto Rico, Spanish Administration: 1 Peso Exchange Note 1895 Billete de Canje
Ministerio de Ultramar - Overseas Ministry
Billete de Canje - Exchange Note
Puerto Rico banknotes, Puerto Rican paper money and Puerto Rico currency pictures

Observe: Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León.
Reverse: Coat of arms of Spain

Billete de Canje de "Un Peso" equivalente a un peso en plata de 25 Gr. (.900) emitido el 17 de agosto de 1895.

Ticket Exchange of "A Weight" weight equivalent to 25 gram of  silver. (900) issued on August 17, 1895. With this bill all foreign silver was collected current within the Island. Once coined the provincial currency such notes would be redeemed by its equivalent in silver. The seal to prominence within the circle reads "Exchange of Puerto Rico" and shows a picture of a sailing ship with anchor in clear reference to the Colonial Department.

Banknotes of Puerto Rico