
1 Turkish Lira note 1930 İsmet İnönü

Turkey currency 1 Turkish Lira note 1930 İsmet İnönü
One Turkish Lira
Old Turkish Lira Notes Bills Banknotes

Turkey Currency 1 Turkish Lira banknote 1930 Central Bank of Turkey
 L. 1930 (1940-1944) "İnönü" - Interim Issue

Obverse: A portrait of İsmet İnönü, 2nd President of Turkey.
Reverse: A view from Bosphorus.

Signatures         Kemal Zaim SUNEL, Nedim ERSUN
Dimensions 60x135 mm
Printer: Bradbury Wilkinson & Co Ld. New Malden. Surrey. England.
Quantity printed    TL.25.000.000
Issue date                 25.04.1942
Date of withdrawal         01.08.1947
End of legal circulation 01.08.1950
End of redemption period 01.08.1957
Date of loss of value         02.08.1957

Banknotes of Turkey
The Banknotes of 2nd Emission Group

1 Turkish Lira   2 1/2 Turkish Lira   5 Turkish Lira   10 Turkish Lira   
50 Turkish Lira   100 Turkish Lira   1000 Turkish Lira