
British India 10 Rupee Note King George V

British India 10 Rupee Note King George V

British India Ten Rupee Note

British India 10 Rupee Note King George V, ND (1917 - 1930) Government of India

Obverse: Portrait of King George V wearing the Imperial Crown and the robes of Star of India.
Reverse: The denominations of the note “Ten RS” is in large type at lower left. There are the denomination of the note in seven different languages (Hindi, Bengali, Burmese, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, and Gujarati), are printed at the center. The initial GRI (GRI stands for Georgious Rex Imperator which is Latin for George, King & Emperor) appears at the upper left of the banknote.
Watermark: Rayed Star, GOVT OF INDIA and stylised GRI. Four wavy lines along the borders. This watermark used on notes Printed at Nasik Press.

British India Notes
Portrait series - King George V notes (1917-1932)

1 Rupee    2 Rupees 8 Annas    5 Rupees    10 Rupees    
10 Rupees    50 Rupees    100 Rupees    1000 Rupees