
Dominion of Canada 4 Dollar 1902

Dominion of Canada banknotes 4 Dollar note 1902
Dominion of Canada Jany 2nd 1902 Four Dollar Bill
Dominion of Canada 1902 4 Dollar Bill
Dominion of Canada Jany 2nd 1902 Four Dollar Bill
Dominion of Canada 4 Dollar 1902

Obverse: Portrait of Countess and Earl of Minto, 8th Governor General of Canada. The vignette at center changed to show ship at Canadian side of locks at Sault Ste. Marie.
Reverse: The back shows a lovely view of the Parliament building as viewed from Nepean Point, Ottawa.
All 1902 $4 bills are signed by T.C. Boville.
Quantity Printed:   2,076,000

Text:   Ottawa, Jan 2nd 1902 – The Dominion Of Canada – Will pay to the bearer – Four Dollars

Although the 1902 issues was the last of the $4 notes. That is not the end of the story. The DC-17a notes where all printed in 1902. No new $4 notes where printed until August of 1911 at which time the Government of Canada found itself short of paper money. While work was being done on the new $2 note and the upcoming introduction of a $5 note, engravings for the $4 where quickly put together from what was available. The numeric "$4" in the top corners where replaced with text "Four" to make counting easier.

Sault Ste. Marie Canal

The Sault Ste. Marie Canal is a National Historic Site of Canada in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Until 1987, the canal was part of the shipping route from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake Superior. It includes a lock to bypass the rapids on the St. Marys River.

The first lock was built in 1798 by the Northwest Trading Company. On July 20, 1814 an American force destroyed the North West Company depot on the north shore of the St. Marys River. Since the Americans were unable to capture Fort Michilimackinac, the British forces retained control of the Sault. The lock was destroyed in 1814 in an attack by U.S. forces during the War of 1812.

In 1870, the United States refused the steamer Chicora, carrying Colonel Garnet Wolseley permission to pass through the locks at Sault Ste Marie. The Wolseley Expedition incident led to the construction of a Canadian Sault Ste. Marie Canal, which was completed in 1895.

Canadian banknotes - 4 Dollar