
Italy 2 Lire 1914 King Victor Emmanuel III

old Italian money 2 Lire 1914 King Victor Emmanuel III

old currency of Italy 2 Lire 1914
Italy 2 Lire banknote D.1914 (1920-22) King Victor Emmanuel III, P37c

Obverse: Portrait King Vittorio Emanuele III at left.
Reverse: Royal coat of arms at centre and 2 Lire in oval at both sides of the note.
Signature Giu. Dell'Ara and Porena. Series 101-165 (1920-22).

Issued by Ministero del Tesoro - Treasury - Buoni di Cassa.
Date Royal Decree (vertical on front) 18.08.1914, Ministerial Decree 19.08.1914
Registered with ther Audit Division (Corte dei Conti) 20.08.1914
Printer Officina Governativa Carte-Valori, Turin.

D. 1893 & 1894 "Umberto I" Issue

       1 Lira         2 Lire  

D. 1914 "Vittorio Emanuele III" Issue

1 Lira         2 Lire