
Sweden 1000 Kronor banknote 1976 King Charles XIV John, Bernadotte

Sweden banknotes 1000 Kronor note King Charles XIV John, Bernadotte
Sweden Currency 1000 kronor banknote
Sweden Currency 1000-kronor banknote 1976-1988 Sveriges Riksbank

Obverse: Dominated by an engraving, in brown, portrait of Karl XIV Johan. (Charles XIV John, King of Sweden and Norway, painting by François Gérard)
Reverse: Scene illustrating the Bessemer steel furnace. Bessemer method - Production of steel out of raw iron by adding air and heat.
Watermark: Portrait of Jöns Jacob Berzelius. Vertical security thread.
Size: 180 x 82 millimetres
Invalid after 31 December 1998

Sweden Banknotes - Sweden Paper Money
1963-1990 Issue

5 Kronor     10 Kronor     50 Kronor     100 Kronor     1000 Kronor

Charles XIV John as King of Sweden & Charles III John as King of Norway

Charles XIV & III John, also Carl John, Swedish and Norwegian: Carl Johan (26 January 1763 – 8 March 1844) was King of Sweden (as Charles XIV John) and King of Norway (as Charles III John) from 1818 until his death and served as de facto regent and head of state from 1810 to 1818. When he became Swedish royalty, he had also been the Sovereign Prince of Pontecorvo in Southern Italy from 1806 until 1810 (title established on June 5 1806 by Napoleon), but then stopped using that title.
He was born Jean Bernadotte and subsequently had acquired the full name of Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte by the time Carl also was added upon his Swedish adoption in 1810. He did not use Bernadotte in Sweden but founded the royal dynasty there by that name.
French by birth, Bernadotte served a long career in the French Army. He was appointed as a Marshal of France by Napoleon I, though the two had a turbulent relationship. His service to France ended in 1810, when he was elected the heir-presumptive to the Swedish throne because the Swedish royal family was dying out with King Charles XIII. Baron Carl Otto Mörner (22 May 1781 – 17 August 1868), a Swedish courtier and obscure member of the Riksdag of the Estates, advocated for the succession.