
Turkey 100 Turkish Lira banknote 1947 İsmet İnönü

Banknotes of Turkey 100 Turkish Lira banknote 1947 İsmet İnönü 1930

100 Turkish Lira bill
One Hundred Turkish Lira
Banknotes of Turkey 100 Turkish Lira banknote 1947 İsmet İnönü (L.1930)
Central Bank of the Turkey - Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası

Obverse: A portrait of İsmet İnönü, 2nd President of Turkey.
Reverse: The Fortress of Rumeli at Bosphorus.

Signatures Kemal Zaim SUNEL, Sadi BEKTER, Kamil KIBRIZLI
Dimensions 83x181 mm
Printed by American Bank Note Company, New York.
Emission Group - E 4, Series I.
Quantity printed TL.500.000.000
Issue date 18.07.1947
Date of withdrawal 10.10.1952
End of legal circulation 10.10.1953
End of redemption period 10.10.1962
Date of loss of value 11.10.1962

Banknotes of the Republic of Turkey
The Banknotes of 4th Emission Group
L. 1930 (1947-1948) "İsmet İnönü"

10 Turkish Lira     10 Turkish Lira     100 Turkish Lira 

Fortress of Rumeli at Bosphorus - Rumelihisarı

   Rumelihisarı (also known as Rumelian Castle and Roumeli Hissar Castle) is a fortress located in the Sarıyer district of Istanbul, Turkey, on a hill at the European side of the Bosphorus. It gives the name of the quarter around it. It was built by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II between 1451 and 1452, before he conquered Constantinople. The three great towers were named after three of Mehmed II's viziers, Sadrazam Çandarlı Halil Pasha, who built the big tower next to the gate, Zağanos Pasha, who built the south tower, and Sarıca Pasha, who built the north tower.
   A battalion of 400 Janissaries were stationed in the fortress, and large cannons were placed in the Halil Pasha Tower, the main tower on the waterfront. A Venetian ship coming from the Black Sea which ignored the order to halt by the commander of the fortress, Firuz Ağa, was bombarded and sunk, and its surviving crewmen were beheaded as a warning to any who might attempt the same. These cannons were later used until the second half of the 19th century to greet the sultan when he passed by sea.
   After the fall of Constantinople, the fortress served as a customs checkpoint. Rumelihisarı, which was designated to control the passage of ships through the strait, eventually lost its strategic importance when a second pair of fortresses was built further up the Bosphorus, where the strait meets the Black Sea. In the 17th century, it was used as a prison, primarily for foreign prisoners of war. Rumelihisarı was partly destroyed by an earthquake in 1509, but was repaired soon after. In 1746, a fire destroyed all the wooden parts in two of the main towers. The fortress was repaired by Sultan Selim III (1761–1807). However, a new residential neighborhood was formed inside the fortress after it was abandoned in the 19th century.
   In 1953, on the orders of President Celal Bayar, the inhabitants were relocated and extensive restoration work began on 16 May 1955, which lasted until 29 May 1958. Since 1960 Rumelihisarı has been a museum and an open-air theater for various concerts at festivals during the summer months.
The Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge which spans the Bosporus is located close to the fortress, to the north.
Rumelihisarı is open to public every day except Wednesdays from 9:00 to 16:30.
The fortress was depicted on various Turkish banknotes during 1939-1986.