
Cameroon 5000 Francs banknote 1961

Cameroon banknotes 5000 Francs 1961 Ahmadou Ahidjo
Cameroon 5000 Francs
Cameroon 5000 Francs banknote 1961, issued by the Central Bank of Cameroon (Banque Centrale, République Fédérale du Cameroun) Cinq Mille Francs - 5000 francs.

Obverse: Portrait of the first President (1960-82) of Cameroon Ahmadou Ahidjo (1924 - 1989). West African carvings. Chamber of Deputies building in the background. This was the building of French Cameroon. It is where the first President of Cameroon, AHMADOU AHIDJO, was chosen on 5th May 1960.
Reverse: Tropical Hardwood Logs & Tropical Fruits and Flowers.
Printer: Banque de France (BdF).

Cameroon banknotes - Cameroon paper money
ND (1961, 1962 & 1972) Issue

100 Francs    500 Francs    1000 Francs    5000 Francs

Ahmadou Ahidjo
Ahmadou Ahidjo (born August 1924, Garoua, Cameroon — died Nov. 30, 1989, Dakar, Senegal), first president of the United Republic of Cameroon, who served from 1960 to 1982. He presided over one of the few successful attempts at supraterritorial African unity: the joining of the southern half of the former British Cameroons with the larger, French-speaking Cameroon.
  Ahidjo was a Muslim from the northern part of Cameroon and served as a radio operator in the French colonial administration from 1941/42 to 1953. He was elected to the Cameroon territorial assembly in 1947 and reelected in 1952 and 1956. His early political career also included several years in France (1953–1956) as the Cameroon member of the Assembly of the French Union. In the first Cameroon government (1957), he was vice premier and minister of the interior; when the first premier fell in early 1958, he formed his own party, the Cameroonian Union, and became the new premier.
  Since 1956 the more radical, nationalist Union of the Populations of Cameroon, which advocated immediate independence from France, had taken up arms against the French administration. Ahidjo used French troops to put down the rebels, but he also offered amnesty to those who would surrender. Many refused, however, and sporadic outbreaks of violence haunted Ahidjo for years. His initial program included immediate internal autonomy, a definite timetable for full independence, reunification with the British Cameroons, and cooperation with the French. He was able to attain independence in 1960 and the unification with the southern British Cameroons in 1961, following a plebiscite.
  In the elections held soon after independence, Ahidjo won by only a small majority but, despite continuing small-scale violence, managed to build up a stable, relatively prosperous country. After being elected five consecutive times for the presidency (in what became a one-party state), he resigned on Nov. 6, 1982, claiming that he was suffering from exhaustion. He was replaced by a Christian southerner, Paul Biya, who proceeded to oust Ahidjo from chairmanship of the ruling party in 1983.
  After 1983 Ahidjo lived in exile, and in 1984 he was, in absentia, condemned to death in Cameroon for complicity in a plot against Biya. He never returned to Cameroon, dividing his time between residences in Senegal and the south of France.