
Japan 10 Yen Convertible Gold Note

Japan 10 Yen Gold Note Wake no Kiyomaro
Japan banknotes 10 Yen Note Boar
Japan 10 Yen Convertible Gold Note (1899-1913) Boar, P-32a. Nippon Ginko - Bank of Japan

Obverse: Portrait of Wake no Kiyomaro at right and Goo Shrine at left. Stylised Sun - symbol of Japan (Land of the Rising Sun) at upper center.
Reverse: Wild Boar Shrine at center. Nippon Ginko - Promises to Pay the Bearer on Demand TEN YEN in GOLD.

Japanese Banknotes
ND (1899-1913) "Convertible Gold Note" Issue

5 Yen      10 Yen      100 Yen

Wake no Kiyomaro was a military guard in the palace. He distinguished himself by suppressing a rebellion and thwarted the evil designs on the throne by the priest Dōkyō.  A trusted palace loyalist, Kiyomaro became the principal adviser to Emperor Kammu and was appointed to numerous high offices. He also was responsible for moving the capital from Nara, first to Nagaokakyo and then to Heiankyo (Kyoto) in 794.  Palace intrigue and collaboration between Dōkyō and the Empress Shōtoku resulted in Kiyomaro being sent into exile was temporarily exiled to Osumi (now Kagoshima).  Dōkyō also had the tendons of his legs cut and it was the Fujiwara clan that came to his rescue and saved his life.  The following year Empress Shōtoku died who was succeeded by Empress Kōnin who in turn reversed the decision by exiling Dōkyō and reinstating Wake no Kiyomaro.  He received a dual appointment as kami (governor) of Bizen Province and Udaijin (junior minister of state).
The Goou (Gooh) Jinja Shinto Shrine in Kyoto symbolizes “protection-of-the-monarch” with the deity of Wake no Kiyomaro.  Shinto Shrines have statues of koma-inu or guardian dogs.  In 1890 the guardian dogs were replaced by boars and today it is also known as the Wild Boar Shrine.