
Japan 5 Yen Convertible Gold Note

Japan 5 Yen Convertible Gold Note
Nippon Ginko FIVE YEN in GOLD

Japan 5 Yen Convertible Gold Note (1899-1910), P-31a. Nippon Ginko - Bank of Japan

Obverse: Portrait of Takeuchi Sakune at centre, shrine scenes at left and right, value at each corner,  black on pale green underprint. Stylised Sun - symbol of Japan (Land of the Rising Sun) at upper center.
Takenouchi no Sukune or Takeshiuchi no Sukune was a legendary Japanese hero-statesman, and is a Shinto kami.
Reverse: Nippon Ginko - Promises to Pay the Bearer on Demand FIVE YEN in GOLD.

Japanese Banknotes
ND (1899-1913) "Convertible Gold Note" Issue

5 Yen      10 Yen      100 Yen