
Katanga banknotes 100 Francs Katangais 1962

Katanga banknotes 100 Francs Katangais note 1962
Katanga paper money 100 Francs Katangais 1962
Katanga banknotes 100 Francs Katangais note 18 May 1962 
Banque Nationale du Katanga

Obverse: Woman harvesting maize.
Reverse: Rosette of African masks and spears which is reminiscent of a globe of the world.
Colours: Front - Green and burgundy intaglio printing; Green, brown, burgundy and red lithographic printing.
Back - Green, brown, burgundy and red lithographic printing.
Watermark: Head of an elephant.
Signatures: Mr. Placide Kitambala and Mr. Mwilambwe.
Size: 136 mm x 65 mm.
Dates on notes: 18 May 1962; 15 August 1962; 15 September 1962; and 14 January 1963.
Place of issue: Elisabethville.
Printer: Johan Enschede en Zonen.

Katanga banknotes - Katanga paper money
Banque Nationale du Katanga
1962-1963 Franc Katangais Issue

100 Francs Katangais   500 Francs Katangais   1000 Francs Katangais