Netherlands Indies banknotes 100 Gulden note 1938 Javanese Dancers
Issued by DJB - De Javasche Bank (Dutch East Indies bank; 1828-1953)
Obverse: Javanese dancers at left and right.
Reverse: Legal text in four languages: Dutch, Javanese, Chinese and Arabic.
Watermark: Head of the Goddess of Justice and Truth.
Printer Joh. Enschede, Netherlands
Netherlands Indies banknotes
De Javasche Bank - 1933-1939 "Javanese Dancers" Issue
This series is named after the Wajang-Wong players, princes and princesses from the principalities of Solo (Soerakarta) and Djokjakarta, who spoke and performed wajang texts without using masks.
200 Gulden 500 Gulden 1000 Gulden