
Lithuania 100 Lithuanian Litas banknote 2007 Simonas Daukantas

100 Lithuanian Litas banknote Simonas Daukantas
100 Lithuanian Litas note, Vilnius Old Town
Currency of Lithuania 100 Lithuanian Litas banknote 2007
Bank of Lithuania - Lietuvos Bankas

It features Simonas Daukantas (1793–1864), the initiator of the national rebirth movement (when Lithuanians started to realize that they are one nation), historian, who wrote the first history of Lithuania in the Lithuanian language.
The reverse shows the Vilnius Old Town, which is included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. The focus is the architectural ensemble of Vilnius University with St. John's Church and its belfry. This makes Vilnius featured twice.

The first 1991 release of the 100 litų banknotes did not meet the same destiny as 10, 20, or 50 litų banknotes. It was decided that it had sufficient security measures to be released and used. However, it did not spread widely and today together with other 1991 banknotes is withdrawn from the market. It could be exchanged for a new 100 litų banknote only at Bank of Lithuania central office. The new banknote with 19 security features was introduced only in 2000. The appearance changed quite a bit. The back of the new banknote zoomed in more on the Vilnius University campus and leaved less space for other houses in Vilnius Old Town. Also, the colors were brighter and sharper. In format it resembled more 200 and 500 litų banknotes than 10, 20, or 50.

Banknotes of the Lithuanian litas
Bank of Lithuania - Lietuvos Bankas
1991 Issue

10 Litu      20 Litu      50 Litu      100 Litu

1993-1994 Issue
1 Litas      2 Litai      5 Litai      10 Litu      20 Litu      50 Litu  

1997-2000 Issue
10 Litu      20 Litu      50 Litu      100 Litu      200 Litu      500 Litu

2001-2007 Issue
10 Litu      20 Litu      50 Litu      100 Litu