
1000 Turkish Lira banknote 1988

Turkey Banknotes 1000 Turkish Lira "Türk Lirasi" note 1988 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
One Thousand Turkish Lira
Turkey currency money 1000 Turkish Lira "Türk Lirasi" note Fatih Sultan Mehmet Conqueror, view of Istanbul
Banknotes of Turkey 1000 Turkish Lira "Türk Lirasi" note 1988 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası - Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Obverse: A portrait of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on the right.
Reverse: A portrait of Fatih Sultan Mehmet ( The Conqueror ) and a view of Istanbul

Quantity printed TL.413.890.000.000
Place where printed Banknote Printing Plant
Issue date 19.02.1988
Date of withdrawal 03.08.1992
End of legal replacement 03.08.2002
End of redemption period 03.08.2002
Date of loss of value 04.08.2002
Signatures Dr. Rüşdü SARACOGLU, Bediz DEMİRAY
Dimensions 72x140 mm
Dominant colour
Front colour Violet
Back colour Violet

Banknotes of Turkey - Paper Money from Turkey
The Banknotes of 7nd Emission Group - Türk Lirası

  10 Turkish Lira    100 Turkish Lira    500 Turkish Lira    1000 Turkish Lira    5000 Turkish Lira      10000 Turkish Lira      20000 Turkish Lira    
50000 Turkish Lira      100000 Turkish Lira      250000 Turkish Lira    
500000 Turkish Lira      1000000 Turkish Lira      5000000 Turkish Lira    10000000 Turkish Lira       20000000 Turkish Lira

Fatih Sultan Mehmet - The Conqueror
Mehmed II (Ottoman Turkish: محمد ثانى, Meḥmed-i s̠ānī; Turkish: II; also known as el-Fātiḥ, الفاتح, "the Conqueror" in Ottoman Turkish; in modern Turkish, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han; also called Mahomet II in early modern Europe), also known as Muhammed bin Murad, Mehmed the Conqueror, Grand Turk, Kayser-i Rûm (Caesar of Rome) and Turcarum Imperator, and Fatih Sultan Mehmed (30 March 1432 – 3 May 1481), was an Ottoman sultan who ruled first for a short time from August 1444 to September 1446, and later from February 1451 to May 1481. At the age of 21, he conquered Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire. Mehmed continued his conquests in Anatolia with its reunification, and in Southeast Europe as far west as Bosnia. Being a highly regarded conqueror, Mehmed is considered a hero in modern-day Turkey and parts of the wider Muslim world. Among other things, Istanbul's Fatih district, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge and Fatih Mosque are named after him.
   When Mehmed II ascended the throne in 1451 he devoted himself to strengthening the Ottoman Navy, and in the same year made preparations for the taking of Constantinople. In the narrow Bosporus Straits, the fortress Anadoluhisarı had been built by his great-grandfather Bayezid I on the Asian side; Mehmed erected an even stronger fortress called Rumelihisarı on the European side, and thus gained complete control of the strait. Having completed his fortresses, Mehmet proceeded to levy a toll on ships passing within reach of their cannon. A Venetian vessel refusing signals to stop was sunk with a single shot and all the surviving sailors beheaded, except for the captain whose living body was impaled and mounted as a human scarecrow as a warning to further sailors on the strait.
   The conquest of Constantinople was one of the major goals of Islam in Islamic tradition. Reference is made to the prospective conquest of Constantinople in a hadith, attributed to a saying of Muhammad.
“Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will he be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!”
Earlier there had been two sieges during the 7th and 8th centuries by the Muslims on account of the hadith. One of the Muslim losses was Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, the companion and standard bearer of Muhammad. During the siege his tomb was located by Mehmed's sheikh Akşemseddin. After the conquest, Mehmed built Eyüp Sultan Mosque at the site, by which he wanted to emphasize the importance of the conquest to the Islamic world and highlight his role as ghazi.
   In 1453 Mehmed commenced the siege of Constantinople with an army between 80,000 to 200,000 troops and a navy of 320 vessels, though the bulk of them were transports and storeships. The city was now surrounded by sea and land; the fleet at the entrance of the Bosphorus was stretched from shore to shore in the form of a crescent, to intercept or repel any assistance from the sea for the besieged. In early April, the Siege of Constantinople began. After several failed assaults, the city's walls held off the Turks with great difficulty, even with the use of the new Orban's bombard, a cannon similar to the Dardanelles Gun. The harbor of the Golden Horn was blocked by a boom chain and defended by twenty-eight warships.
   On 22 April, Mehmed transported his lighter warships overland, around the Genoese colony of Galata and into the Golden Horn's northern shore; eighty galleys were transported from the Bosphorus after paving a little over one-mile route with wood. Thus the Byzantines stretched their troops over a longer portion of the walls. A little over a month later, Constantinople fell on 29 May following a fifty-seven day siege. After this conquest, Mehmed moved the Ottoman capital from Adrianople to Constantinople.
   When Mehmed stepped into the ruins of the Boukoleon, known to the Ottomans and Persians as the Palace of the Caesars, probably built over a thousand years before by Theodosius II, he uttered the famous lines of Saadi:
“The spider weaves the curtains in the palace of the Caesars the owl calls the watches in the towers of Afrasiab.”
After the conquest of Constantinople, Mehmed claimed the title "Caesar" of the Roman Empire (Qayser-i Rûm). However, this claim was not recognized by Christian Europe. Mehmed's claim rested with the concept that Constantinople was the seat of the Roman Empire, after the transfer of its capital to Constantinople in 330 AD and the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Mehmed also had a blood lineage to the Byzantine Imperial family; his predecessor, Sultan Orhan I had married a Byzantine princess, and Mehmed claimed descent from John Tzelepes Komnenos. He was not the only ruler to claim such a title, as there was the Holy Roman Empire in Western Europe, whose emperor, Frederick III, traced his titular lineage from Charlemagne who obtained the title of Roman Emperor when he was crowned by Pope Leo III in 800 – although never recognized as such by the Byzantine Empire.
   Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI died without producing an heir, and had Constantinople not fallen to the Ottomans he likely would have been succeeded by the sons of his deceased elder brother. Those children were taken into the palace service of Mehmed after the fall of Constantinople. The oldest boy, renamed Has Murad, became a personal favorite of Mehmed and served as Beylerbey (Governor-General) of the Balkans. The younger son, renamed Mesih Pasha, became Admiral of the Ottoman fleet and Sanjak-bey (Governor) of the Province of Gallipoli. He eventually served twice as Grand Vizier under Mehmed's son, Bayezid II.
   After the Fall of Constantinople, Mehmed would also go on to conquer the Despotate of Morea in the Peloponnese in 1460, and the Empire of Trebizond in northeastern Anatolia in 1461. The last two vestiges of Byzantine rule were thus absorbed by the Ottoman Empire. The conquest of Constantinople bestowed immense glory and prestige on the country. There is some historical evidence that, 10 years after the conquest of Constantinople, Mehmed II visited the site of Troy and boasted that he had avenged the Trojans by having conquered the Greeks (Byzantines).