
100000 Turkish Lira Note

Turkey Banknotes 100000 Turkish Lira note Türk Lirasi 1996 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
100000 Turkish Lira, Children presenting flowers to Atatürk

Banknotes of Turkey 100000 Turkish Lira "Türk Lirasi" note 1996 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası - Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Obverse: A portrait of Atatürk on the right and the figure of Atatürk Statue in Samsun on the left
Reverse: A group of young students giving flowers to Atatürk

Denomination 100000 TL - "One Hundred Thousand Turkish Lira"
Quantity printed TL 42.400.100.000.000
Place where printed Banknote Printing Plant
Issue date 12.08.1996
Date of withdrawal 5.11.2001
End of legal replacement 4.11.2011
End of redemption period 4.11.2011
Date of loss of value 5.11.2011
Signatures Gazi ERÇEL, Aykut EKZEN
Dimensions 76x158 mm
Dominant colour
Front colour Brown and green
Back colour Brown and green

Banknotes of Turkey - Paper Money from Turkey
The Banknotes of 7nd Emission Group - Türk Lirası

  10 Turkish Lira    100 Turkish Lira    500 Turkish Lira    1000 Turkish Lira    5000 Turkish Lira      10000 Turkish Lira      20000 Turkish Lira    
50000 Turkish Lira      100000 Turkish Lira      250000 Turkish Lira    
500000 Turkish Lira      1000000 Turkish Lira      5000000 Turkish Lira    10000000 Turkish Lira       20000000 Turkish Lira

Statue of Honor in Samsun
Statue of Honor (Turkish: Onur Anıtı), aka Atatürk Monument, is a monument situated at Atatürk Park in İlkadım district of Samsun, Turkey dedicated to the landing of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Samsun initiating what is later termed the Turkish War of Independence. The monument became the landmark of Samsun.
   The equestrian statue of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was commissioned in 1927 by the province governor of Samsun, Kâzım Pasha (İnanç) to the Austrian sculptor Heinrich Krippel, who had won the juried art competition to create the Victory Monument in Ankara depicting equestrian Atatürk. The construction of the bronze statue took place in Vienna from 1928 to 1931. It was mounted on its base in Samsun on October 29, 1931, the Republic Day. The monument was officially inaugurated on January 15, 1932. It is the thirteenth monument to Atatürk and Krippel's fourth artwork in Turkey.
   The bronze statue depicting equestrian Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is 4.75 m (15.6 ft) high while the total height of the monument is 8.85 m (29.0 ft). In addition to the honarary to the artist of US$5,500, the construction of the monument cost US$37,000.
   The statue's metal casting process was carried out at Vereinigte Metallwerke in Austria. The 32 pieces were transported in boxes from Hamburg, Germany to Turkey abord SS Nicea of the Deutsche Levante-Linie arriving in Samsun on October 15, 1931.