
Transnistria 200 Transnistrian Ruble banknote 2004 Count Petr Rumiantsev-Zadunaiskiy, the Russian Army General Field Marshal

200 Transnistrian ruble banknote 2004 Count Petr Rumiantsev-Zadunaiskiy, the Russian Army General Field Marshal
Currency of Transnistria 200 Transnistrian ruble banknote 2004 Battle
Currency of Transnistria 200 Transnistrian ruble banknote 2004 
Transnistrian Republican Bank

Obverse: an engraving showing the Portrait of the Count Petr Rumiantsev-Zadunaiskiy, the Russian Army General Field Marshal (1725-1796)
Reverse: an engraving showing the battle scene of  Gross-Egersdorf  on  July 21, 1757.
Dimensions: 135 x 64 mm.
Predominant color: brown.
Issue year: 2004.

Transnistrian paper money - Banknotes of Transnistria
2000-2015 Issue

1 Ruble     5 Rubles     10 Rubles     25 Rubles     50 Rubles     

100 Rubles     200 Rubles     500 Rubles

Count Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky
Count Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky (Russian: Пётр Александрович Румянцев-Задунайский) (15 January 1725 – 19 December 1796) was one of the foremost Russian generals of the 18th century. He governed Little Russia in the name of Empress Catherine the Great from the abolition of the Cossack Hetmanate in 1764 until Catherine's death 32 years later. Monuments to his victories include Kagul Obelisk in Tsarskoe Selo (1772), Rumyantsev Obelisk on Basil Island (1798–1801), and a galaxy of Derzhavin's odes.

The Battle of Gross-Jägersdorf (August 30, 1757) was a victory for the Russian force under Field Marshal Stepan Fedorovich Apraksin over a smaller Prussian force commanded by Field Marshal Hans von Lehwaldt, during the Seven Years' War. Despite the tactical success, the Russians were unable to take Königsberg, and withdrew soon afterward.