
20000 Turkish Lira Note

Turkey Banknotes 20000 Turkish Lira "Türk Lirasi" note 1995 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Twenty Thousand Turkish Lira
Turkey currency money 20000 Turkish Lira "Türk Lirasi" note 1995 New Head Office Building of Central Bank in Ankara
Banknotes of Turkey 20000 Turkish Lira "Türk Lirasi" note 1995 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası - Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Obverse: A portrait of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on the right.
Reverse: New Head Office Building of Central Bank in Ankara

Quantity printed TL.1.553.860.000.000
Place where printed Banknote Printing Plant
Issue date 03.04.1995
Date of withdrawal 09.09.1997
End of legal replacement 09.09.2007
End of redemption period 09.09.2007
Date of loss of value 10.09.2007
Signatures Ş. Yaman TÖRÜNER, Nedim USTA
Dimensions 76x152 mm
Dominant colour
Front colour Yellow and orange
Back colour Violet

Banknotes of Turkey - Paper Money from Turkey
The Banknotes of 7nd Emission Group - Türk Lirası

  10 Turkish Lira    100 Turkish Lira    500 Turkish Lira    1000 Turkish Lira    5000 Turkish Lira      10000 Turkish Lira      20000 Turkish Lira    
50000 Turkish Lira      100000 Turkish Lira      250000 Turkish Lira    
500000 Turkish Lira      1000000 Turkish Lira      5000000 Turkish Lira    10000000 Turkish Lira       20000000 Turkish Lira