
Macedonia 50 Denars banknote 1996

Macedonia Banknotes 50 Denars banknote 1996 Emperor Anastasius copper coin Folis
Macedonian Currency 50 Denars banknote 1996 Archangel Gabriel
Macedonia Banknotes 50 Denars banknote 1996
National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia - Народна Банка на Република Македонија

Obverse: Folis, copper, Anastasie I (491-518)
The monetary reform in 498 made by Emperor Anastasius was to eliminate the inflation and monetary chaos in the eastern part of the Roman Empire. The uncontrolled minting of copper coins was replaced by introducing a new weight of copper folis of 9,10 grams, which is 72-nd equal part of the copper pound. The folis with M had a value of 50 numies, with a K - a value of 20 numies and with an I a value 10 numies.

Decorative stucco ark
from the south wall of the church of St.Panteleimon in Gorno Nerezi, Skopje
This is the frame for the fresco od St.Panteleimon, the patron of the church which was built in 1164 and contains magnificent frescoes. St. Panteleimon was a doctor, always presented with a scalpel and bottle of medicine in his hand, a protector of doctors and health.

Reverse: Archangel Gabriel from the the scene of the Annunciation on the east wall of the church of St.Ghiorghi in Kurbinovo on the Lake Prespa. The church dates from 1191. The frescoes were painted by the outstanding artist, Pictor I

Watermark: registered threedimensional watermark bearing image of "Folis Anastasie".
See-through Feature: image of Archangel Gabriel divided into two parts, one on each side of the note, and which match when observed against the light.
Windowed Thread: 2mm wide windowed thread, visible microtext bearing text abbreviation "NBRM".

Macedonia Banknotes
1996-2011 Issue

10 Denari    50 Denari    100 Denari    200 Denari    500 Denari    

1000 Denari       2000 Denari       5000 Denari