Macedonia Banknotes 500 Denars banknote 1996
National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia - Народна Банка на Република Македонија
Obverse: Golden-Mask, Trebenista, Ohrid.
This death mask is made of fine gold tin and was discovered in nobelmen`s gravers dating from the VI century B.C.
Reverse: Poppy (Papaveraceae)
The Poppy was introduced to our land in 1835. The blossom of the poppy is of a violet colour. It is grown in Tikves, Gevgelija, Veles Ares.
Watermark: registered threedimensional watermark bearing image of "Death Mask"
See-through Feature: image of an antique ear-ring divided into two parts, one on each side of the note, and which match when observed against the light.
Windowed Thread: 2mm wide windowed thread, visible microtext bearing text abbreviation "NBRM".
Macedonia Banknotes
1996-2011 Issue
1000 Denari 2000 Denari 5000 Denari