
Netherlands 100 Gulden Banknote 1977 Snipe

Netherlands Banknotes 100 Gulden Banknote 1977 Snipe
Dutch Guilder Banknotes 100 Gulden note 1977 Snipe

Netherlands Banknotes 100 Gulden Banknote 1977 Snipe
The Dutch Bank - De Nederlandsche Bank

Obverse: Snipe (Watersnip) at right. Denominations in numerals top left and bottom right. In words on the right side.
Reverse: Head of Great snipe (Poelsnip) at center. On the background are daisies and poppies.
Top left are two windows (bulls eye). The first reminds a turbine or something similar. The second as a target.

Micro text at the left side in Dutch: "Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 208 Hij die muntspeciën of munt- of bankbiljetten namaakt of vervalst, met het oogmerk om die muntspeciën of munt- of bankbiljetten als echt en onvervalst uit te geven of te doen uitgeven, wordt gestraft met gevangenisstraf van ten hoogste negen jaren."

Also in English: "Penalty Code Article 208: He who imitates coins or notes of banknotes with the intention to issue for real, or have these coins or notes or banknotes issued for real, will be punished with imprisonment of up to nine years."

The complete penalty text is 3x printed, 1 x large letter height, 2x small letter height.
Denominations in numerals top right and bottom left.

Size: 154 х 76 mm.
Designer: Ootje Oxenaar.
Date of signature: 28 July 1977
Date of issue: 16 March 1981
Withdrawn from circulation: between 1 January 2002 and 28 January 2002
Final date for exchange: 1 January 2032
Printed by Joh Enschede En Zonen - Private company - printer of security documents, stamps and banknotes based in Haarlem, Netherlands. The company is a certified Euro banknotes printer, and produces euro notes for five EU countries. Joh Enschede En Zonen prints stamps for more than sixty countries.

Banknotes of the Dutch guilder
1977-1985 Issue

50 Gulden     100 Gulden     250 Gulden