
Netherlands 1000 Gulden Banknote 1994

Banknotes of the Dutch guilder Netherlands 1000 Gulden Banknote 1994
Netherlands Currency Money 1000 Gulden Banknote 1994
Netherlands Banknotes 1000 Gulden Banknote 1994
The Dutch Bank - De Nederlandsche Bank

Value and geometric designs an face and back.
Watermark: Kieviet (Lapwing)
Date of signature: 2 June 1994
Date of issue: 3 April 1996
Withdrawn from circulation: between 1 January 2002 and 28 January 2002
Final date for exchange: 1 January 2032

The note of 1000 guilders was the most secure of the whole series of Drupsteen. The bank note includes many abstract geometrical forms and a thousand diamond shaped units.

Banknotes of the Dutch guilder
1989-1999 Issue

10 Gulden       25 Gulden       100 Gulden       1000 Gulden