
Netherlands 25 Gulden Banknote 1989

Banknotes of the Dutch guilder Netherlands 25 Gulden Banknote 1989
Netherlands Currency Money 25 Gulden Banknote 1989
Netherlands Banknotes 25 Gulden Banknote 1989
The Dutch Bank - De Nederlandsche Bank

Value and geometric designs an face and back.
Watermark: Roodborstje (Robin)
Date of signature: 5 April 1989
Date of issue: 27 March 1990
Withdrawn from circulation: between 1 Jauary 2002 and 28 Januari 2002
Final date for exchange: 1 January 2032

Banknotes of the Dutch guilder
1989-1999 Issue

10 Gulden       25 Gulden       100 Gulden       1000 Gulden

The first 25 guilders bank note from Drupsteen series, was released in 1989. The bank note has 25 large blocks. Arranged behind the blocks has a linear shape which is placed generated by the computer. Furthermore, there are much more abstract shapes on applied. These forms are not entirely random, Drupsteen have this wish to give an answer to the technical requirements of a banknote. These requirements are from the Dutch bank, along with printing Enschede prepared. Oxenaar told in an interview that these requirements were set up in a document, which was as thick as a phone book. Over the years, these requirements have become increasingly stringent.
The complexity of the printed matter ensures that it is difficult to imitate. As for the other notes Drupsteen placed on the front value numeral in the middle of the note. Bottom right figure is a blank surface which might be in the watermark. This watermark is only good when you see the note to the light.