
Argentina 20 Pesos banknote 2003 Juan Manuel de Rosas

Argentina Banknotes 20 Pesos banknote 2003 Juan Manuel de Rosas

Argentina money currency 20 Pesos banknote 2003 Battle of Vuelta de Obligado

Argentina Banknotes 20 Pesos banknote 2003 Juan Manuel de Rosas
Central Bank of Argentina - Banco Central de la República Argentina
The $20 note design reviews the life of Juan Manuel de Rosas (1793–1877).

The center front features Juan Manuel de Rosas’ portrait and the background, an image of his daughter, Manuela Robustiana de Rosas y Ezcurra (1817–98), known as “Manuelita”. Artist Prilidiano Pueyrredón (1823–70) portrays the girl wearing a red crinoline, her hair arranged with the federal badge, and standing next to a pink mahogany table, in which there is a rose bunch matching the carpet and curtains.
  The work, dating back to 1851, is partially reproduced in the note and currently belongs to the National Fine Arts Museum’s heritage. When her mother dies in 1838, Manuelita takes on new responsibilities in the diplomatic arena, and intercedes with her father on behalf of popular requests against confiscations and banishments.

On the back of the note there is a summary of the national hero's biography in microprinting and a reproduction of the military trophies featured in the eight-real coin of 1840.
  It also features the Anglo-French forces blockade the River Plate and sail up the Paraná River, protecting a trade convoy. When they reach Vuelta de Obligado they confront the local militias fortified there under General Mansilla's command.

Argentina banknotes - Argentina paper money
Pesos Issue

1 Peso    2 Pesos    5 Pesos    10 Pesos    20 Pesos    50 Pesos    100 Pesos

50 Pesos, Islas Malvinas - Falkland Islands    100 Pesos, Eva Peron

Juan Manuel de Rosas:
He is born in 1793 in Buenos Aires to a family of ranchers and, as a young man, he devotes to the management of family properties. At the age of twenty, he becomes independent of his parents and founds a saltery, quickly prospering in rural business.
  In 1820, he gains political prominence by heading rural militias that prevent the Littoral caudillos from advancing over Buenos Aires. Once the peace with the province of Santa Fe is signed, he withdraws to his ranch and resumes his political commitments.
  In 1825, Governor Las Heras instructs him to organize the aboriginal frontier defense line, to measure the territory, and to set up small forts. After Rivadavia resigns in 1827, Rosas is appointed Commanding General of the Rural Militias and, shortly afterwards, when General Lavalle executes Governor Dorrego, he takes office in late 1829 as Governor of Buenos Aires for the first time.
  During his first term of office, the Federal Pact is signed (1831), strengthening the alliance with the Littoral provinces in an attempt to pacify the interior. When Rosas leaves his first term of office, he leads a Campaign to the Desert in 1833, widening the occupied territories up to the Colorado and Negro rivers, fostering stockbreeding and founding villages. In 1834, at Figueroa's Ranch, he writes General Quiroga a letter, a valuable document in which he states his personal views on the political and institutional organization of the country that would serve as the program for Federal organization.
  In 1835, after Facundo Quiroga is murdered, Rosas is appointed Governor by the Council of Representatives and conferred absolute power on account of the conflictive national environment. Protectionism becomes the cornerstone of his economic policy — the Customs Act, for example, benefits local producers by introducing import duties — and is widely supported by the provinces. In 1836, Rosas creates the Mint, which takes on the characteristics of a public bank overseeing monetary policy.
  His foreign policy is based on defending Argentine sovereignty and protecting the frontiers in times of conflict with neighboring countries. The crucial stage comes when European squadrons demand free navigation in Argentina's inner rivers. Rosas resists heroically during the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado (1845) but is beaten after long hours of harsh fighting. However, England and France acknowledge Argentine rights in 1847 and 1848, respectively, and peace is restored. On account of Rosas' bravery, General José de San Martín bequeaths his saber to him, as a reward for his strength to uphold the country's honor in the face of foreign demands.
  In 1851, General Justo José de Urquiza rebels against Rosas and requests that a Constitution be passed. Urquiza defeats Rosas at the Battle of Caseros (1852), aided by a coalition of international armies. Rosas takes refuge in Great Britain, where he lives in exile until he dies in 1877. His remains are repatriated in 1989 and currently rest in the Recoleta cemetery in Buenos Aires.