
Canada 100 Dollar Note 1975 Sir Robert Borden

Canadian Banknotes 100 Dollar Note 1975 Sir Robert Borden, Prime Minister of Canada
Canada money currency 100 Dollar Note 1975 harbour at Lunenburg in Nova Scotia
Canadian Banknotes 100 Dollar Note 1975 Sir Robert Borden
Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada

Obverse: Portrait of Sir Robert Borden, 8th Prime Minister of Canada 1911–1920, for which the engraving was prepared by Yorke. Arms of Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada at left. Denominations in numerals are in all corners. Centered in numeral and in words.
Signatures: Governor of the Bank of Canada (Gouverneur) - Gerald Bouey; Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada (Sous-Gouverneur) - John Crow.
The vignette on the reverse is of the harbour at Lunenburg in Nova Scotia, based on a photograph taken by G. Hedley Doty of the Nova Scotia Information Service and engraved by Yorke. Denominations in numerals are in lower left and top right corners. In top left and lower right corners in words.
It was printed by British American Bank Note Company, and first circulated in May 1976.
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia - Brightly colored historic homes dot the south shore of Nova Scotia on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean like a nautical postcard from the past. Since the 1700s, a mix of European immigrants have called the 47-block town, located 60 miles from Halifax, home. Each wave of newcomers has influenced the food, culture, and architecture, making downtown Lunenburg, now dotted with galleries and shops, a National Historic and UNESCO World Heritage site. In this port community of fishermen and shipbuilders, the waters guided their livelihood then and now.

Canada banknotes - Canada paper money
Scenes of Canada, 1969-1979 Series
Scenes of Canada was the fourth series of banknotes of the Canadian dollar issued by the Bank of Canada. It was first circulated in 1970 to succeed the 1954 Series, and was replaced by the Birds of Canada series beginning in 1986.
The design process for this series began in 1963 with a primary goal of creating banknotes that were more counterfeit-resistant than the 1954 Series it was to replace.
   Each denomination retained the dominant colour of the respective banknote from the 1954 Series: green for the $1 banknote, orange (terracotta) for the $2 banknote, blue for the $5 banknote, mauve (purple) for the $10 banknote, burnt orange (red) for the $50 banknote, and brown for the $100 banknote. Because of the multicoloured tints used to complement the design for each banknote, Bank of Canada staff began referring to the series as the "multicoloured series".
   Initially, all denominations were to feature the portrait of Elizabeth II, but portraits of former prime ministers were used for some denominations at the request of Edgar Benson, the Minister of Finance in 1968, to "reflect Canada's burgeoning national identity". The vertical borders of the obverse were curvilinear, the left edge of which had "multicoloured diamonds" bordering a circular frame within which was the Coat of Arms. It also featured "sweeping guilloché" patterns.

One Dollar      2 Dollars      5 Dollars      10 Dollars   

20 Dollars       50 Dollars       100 Dollars

Sir Robert Borden
Sir Robert Borden, in full Sir Robert Laird Borden (born June 26, 1854, Grand Pré, Nova Scotia [Canada]—died June 10, 1937, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), eighth prime minister of Canada (1911–1920) and leader of the Conservative Party (1901–1920), who played a decisive role — notably by insisting on separate Canadian membership in the League of Nations — in transforming the status of his country from that of colony to that of nation. He was knighted in 1914.
   Borden cut short his formal education before his 15th year, when he accepted the post of assistant master of the private school he was attending. His teaching career ended in 1874, when he became articled to a Halifax law firm. Admitted to the bar of Nova Scotia in 1878, he rose to a commanding position in legal circles, and after his marriage to Laura Bond (1889) he founded a law firm that acquired one of the largest practices in the Maritime Provinces. His friendship with Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, son of one of the original “Fathers of Confederation,” led him to accept the conservative nomination for Halifax in 1896. Borden’s entry into politics coincided with the victory of the Liberal Party under the leadership of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Though he remained an obscure backbench opposition member during his first term, Borden was invited by the caucus upon his reelection in 1900 to assume temporarily the leadership of the party. He accepted the post, and, despite repeated intrigues against his leadership and his own professions of distaste for it, occupied it until 1911, when the Liberal decision to accept a reciprocal trade agreement with the United States led to Laurier’s defeat.
   As prime minister, Borden’s major interest was Anglo-Canadian relations. He had long argued for the establishment of a Canadian voice in imperial policy. His naval policy before World War I — which involved a grant of $35 million to Britain for the construction of three battleships — was a mixture of opportunism and wishful thinking about the extension of Canada’s influence in the councils of empire. During the first two years of war Borden frequently referred to the necessity of Canadian participation in British decisions, but it was not until the British prime minister David Lloyd George created the Imperial War Cabinet (IWC) in 1917 that Borden was given a chance to express Canada’s point of view. At the meetings of the IWC in London and its subsequent sessions in Paris during the negotiation of the Treaty of Versailles, Borden supported the Fourteen Points of U.S. president Woodrow Wilson and argued that Canada’s interests demanded the closest possible alliance between the British Empire and the United States. (Borden saw nothing incompatible between insisting on the right to participate in shaping imperial policy and Canada’s independent membership in the League of Nations. He seemed to envisage the empire-commonwealth as an alliance in which smaller members might have to defer to the interests of the great power, but only after a process of continuous consultation.)
   Borden’s Conservative administration confronted unprecedented administrative, financial, and political challenges during the years of World War I, and when, despite the voluntary recruitment of half a million Canadians for overseas service, conscription was required to maintain the Canadian forces at full strength, he initiated the formation of a coalition government. The success of the Unionist forces in the election of 1917 ensured a continuation of Borden’s policies of total commitment to the war effort and an international role for Canada — but at the price of antagonizing the French-Canadian population, who were unrepresented in the government and opposed to its policies.
   Borden’s preoccupation with Anglo-Canadian relations may partly account for his first administration’s poor performance in domestic affairs. He dealt indecisively with his controversial minister of militia, Sam Hughes, whom he did not remove from office until late in 1916. As charges of incompetence, patronage, and war profiteering were leveled against Borden’s government, public confidence in him decreased. His decision, however, to form a coalition government in order to implement conscription gave him the opportunity to reconstruct his cabinet and to surround himself with a group of able colleagues. With Arthur Meighen, his successor as prime minister, to manage the House of Commons and with two Liberals, Newton Rowell and Alexander K. Maclean, in charge of key cabinet committees, Borden was free to concentrate on the larger questions under discussion in London and Paris. He supported Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War, in which he was anxious to have Canadian troops participate. Public opinion forced the return of a 3,000-man expeditionary force from Vladivostok, which Borden had hoped would establish a Canadian presence leading eventually to trade concessions. His policy of arresting the leaders of the Winnipeg General Strike (1919) and of charging them under a revised definition of sedition that was rushed through Parliament in the form of an amendment to the criminal code won him the enmity of labour. He resigned in July 1920.
   In retirement he attended the Washington Naval Disarmament Conference (1921) as Canada’s delegate and wrote Canadian Constitutional Studies (1922) and Canada in the Commonwealth (1929). Robert Laird Borden: His Memoirs (1938) was published under the editorship of his nephew, Henry Borden.

Canadian 100 Dollar Bills

Canadian 100 Dollar Bill 1954 Queen Elizabeth II        Canadian 100 Dollar Bill 1975 Sir Robert Borden