
Chile 20 Pesos banknote 1947 Pedro de Valdivia

Chile Banknotes 20 Pesos = 2 Condores banknote 1947 Pedro de Valdivia
Chilean money currency 20 Pesos = 2 Condores banknote 1947
Chile Banknotes 20 Pesos = 2 Condores banknote 1947 Pedro de Valdivia
Central Bank of Chile - Banco Central de Chile

Obverse: Portrait of Pedro Gutiérrez de Valdivia or Valdiva (1498 - 1554) was a Spanish conquistador and the first royal governor of Chile.
Signatures: Manuel Trucco Franzani & Arturo Maschke Tornero.
Reverse: Monument to the 1st Royal Governor of Chile and founder of Santiago city don Pedro de Valdivia in Santa Lucía Hill (Cerro Santa Lucía) is a small hill in the centre of Santiago, Chile. Official logo of the Central Bank of Chile at left.