
Jersey 20 Pounds banknote 2000 Queen Elizabeth II

Jersey Banknotes 20 Pounds banknote 2000 Queen Elizabeth II wearing the Robes of the Order of the Thistle and the Order of the Garter
Jersey money currency 20 Pounds banknote 2000 Saint Ouen's Manor
Jersey Banknotes 20 Pounds banknote 2000 Queen Elizabeth II
Treasury of the States of Jersey

Obverse: Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II wearing the Robes of the Order of the Thistle and the Order of the Garter and Jersey Buttercup (Ranunculus paludosus Poiret); Coat of arms of Jersey (Three leopards) at upper center; Brent goose at left corner.
Reverse: Saint Ouen's Manor; Jersey map outline in rosettes.
Watermark: Jersey cow's head.
Signature: Ian Black (Treasurer of the States).
Printer: Thomas De La Rue & Company Limited, London England.

Jersey Banknotes - Jersey paper money
ND (1989-2010) Issue

One Pound     5 Pounds     10 Pounds     20 Pounds     50 Pounds

One Pound 1995 "50th Anniversary of Liberation" Commemorative Issue

One Pound 2004 "800 Years Jersey" Commemorative Issue

Saint Ouen's Manor
Saint Ouen's Manor is a manor house in the parish of St. Ouen, Jersey, and is the traditional home of the Seigneur of St. Ouen, and the ancestral home of the de Carteret family. The earliest record of the house dates from 1135. As a part of the 1940 Jersey local elections, the manor was offered to the victor, Edward Campbell. However, Campbell became disillusioned with the idea, and declined. The house and grounds remain intact today, and the house is a private home for the De Carteret family. It is occasionally open to the public.