
Brazil 1000 Cruzeiros banknote 1991 Candido Rondon

Brazil Banknotes 1000 Cruzeiros banknote 1991 Marechal Candido Rondon
Brazil money currency 1000 Cruzeiros banknote 1991 Brazilian Girls

Brazil Banknotes 1000 Cruzeiros banknote 1991 Candido Rondon
Central Bank of Brazil - Banco Central do Brasil

Obverse: Portrait of Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon, or Marechal Rondon (1865 – 1958) was a Brazilian military officer who is most famous for his exploration of Mato Grosso and the Western Amazon Basin. Map outline of Brazil and hut in Amazon jungle - Old Telegraph Station (In 1890, Candido Rondon was commissioned as an army engineer with the Telegraphic commission, and helped build the first telegraph line across the state of Mato Grosso.)
Reverse: Brazilian Girls (Native Brazilians - Carajás Indians from the Araguaya River). Local food from Amazonia: fish, maize, vegetables and pineapples.
Watermark: The Effigy of the Republic of Brazil (Portuguese: Efígie da República) is used as a national personification, both in Brazil and in Portugal, symbolizing the Republic.
Colors: brown, olive, yellow, red.
Size: 140 x 65 mm.
Printer: Casa da Moeda do Brasil (CMB).
Texts: Banco Central do Brasil; Mil Cruzeiros.

Brazilian Currency Banknotes - Brazil Paper Money
1990-1993 Regular "Cruzeiro" Issue

   100 Cruzeiros       200 Cruzeiros       500 Cruzeiros       1000 Cruzeiros     

5000 Cruzeiros        10000 Cruzeiros        50000 Cruzeiros     

100000 Cruzeiros          500000 Cruzeiros

Candido Rondon
Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon, or Marechal Rondon (5 May 1865 – 19 January 1958) was a Brazilian military officer who is most famous for his exploration of Mato Grosso and the Western Amazon Basin, and his lifelong support of Brazilian indigenous populations. He was the first director of Brazil's Indian Protection Bureau (SPI/FUNAI) and supported the creation of the Xingu National Park. The Brazilian state of Rondônia is named after him. He was made Marshal, the highest military rank in Brazil.
  He was born on 5 May 1865 in Mimoso, a small village in Mato Grosso state. His father, Cândido Mariano da Silva, was of Portuguese ancestry, and his mother was a Native American from the Terena and Borôro people. His father had died of smallpox before Cândido was born, and his mother died when he was just two years old. He was raised by his grandparents until they too died while he was still a boy. After this, he lived with his mother's brother, who adopted Cândido and gave him his family name, Rondon. His uncle raised him until he reached sixteen. After finishing high school at the age of 16, he taught elementary school for two years, and then joined the Brazilian army. On joining the military, he entered officer's school and graduated in 1888 as a second lieutenant. He was also involved with the Republican coup that overthrew Pedro II, the last Emperor of Brazil.
  In 1890, he was commissioned as an army engineer with the Telegraphic commission, and helped build the first telegraph line across the state of Mato Grosso. This telegraph line was finally finished in 1895, and afterwards, Rondon started construction on a road that led from Rio de Janeiro (then capital of the republic) to Cuiabá, the capital of Mato Grosso. Until this roadway was complete, the only way between these two cities was by river transport. Also during this time, he married his wife, Chiquinha Xavier, and together they had 7 children. From 1900 to 1906, Rondon was in charge of laying telegraph line from Brazil to Bolivia and Peru. During this time he opened up new territory, and was in contact with the warlike Borôro tribe of western Brazil. He was so successful in pacifying the Bororo, that he completed the telegraph line with their help. Throughout his life, Rondon laid over 4,000 miles of telegraph line through the jungles of Brazil.
  The Marechal Rondon was honored with the title "Patron Weapon      
   Communications Brazilian Army", by Decree No. 51,960, of 26 April 1963.
As a result of Rondon's competence in constructing telegraph lines, he was put in charge of extending the telegraph line from Mato Grosso to the Amazon. In the course of constructing the line, he discovered the Juruena river, in northern Mato Grosso which is an important tributary of the Tapajós river. He also discovered the Nambikwara tribe, which had until then killed all Westerners they had come in contact with.
  In May 1909, Rondon set out on his longest expedition. He set out from the settlement of Tapirapuã in northern Mato Grosso heading northwest to meet up with the Madeira river, which is a major tributary of the Amazon River. By August, the party had eaten all of its supplies, and had to subsist on what they could hunt and gather from the forest. By the time they reached the Ji-Paraná River, they had no supplies. During their expedition they discovered a large river between the Juruena, and Ji-Paraná river, which Rondon named the River of Doubt. To reach the Madeira, they built canoes, and reached the Madeira on Christmas Day, 1909.
  When Rondon reached Rio de Janeiro, he was hailed as a hero, because it was believed that he and the expedition had died in the jungle. After the expedition, he became the first director of the Brazilian Government's Indian Protection Agency, or the SPI.
   In January 1914, Rondon left with Theodore Roosevelt on the Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition, whose aims were to explore the River of Doubt. The expedition left the Tapiripuã, and reached the River of Doubt on 27 February 1914. They did not reach the mouth of the river until late April, after the expedition had suffered greatly. During the expedition, the river was renamed the Rio Roosevelt.
  The Adventure down the River of Doubt was the most difficult of Roosevelt's life. All the men on the trip, except the seemingly invincible Rondon suffered from ailments and constant maladies.
  After the expedition of 1914, Rondon worked until 1919 mapping the state of Mato Grosso. During this time he discovered some more rivers, and made contact with several Indian tribes. In 1919, he became chief of the Brazilian Corp of Engineers, and the head of the Telegraphic Commission.
  In 1924 and 1925, he led army forces against a rebellion in the state of São Paulo. From 1927 to 1930, Rondon was put in charge of surveying all of the borders between Brazil and its neighbors. In 1930, he was interrupted by the Revolution of 1930, and he resigned from his position as head of SPI. During 1934–1938, he was in charge of a Diplomatic Mission, to mediate a dispute between Colombia and Peru over the town of Leticia. In 1939, he resumed his directorship of SPI, and expanded the service to new territories of Brazil. In the 1950s he supported the Villas Boas brothers campaign, which faced strong opposition from the government and the ranchers of Mato Grosso and led to the establishment of the first Brazilian National Park for indigenous people along the Xingu River in 1961. He died in 1958 in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 92.