
Brazil 5 Cruzados Novos on 5000 Cruzados banknote 1989 Candido Portinari

Brazil Banknotes 5 Cruzados Novos on 5000 Cruzados banknote 1989 Candido Portinari
Brazil money currency 5 Cruzados Novos on 5000 Cruzados banknote 1989 Candido Portinari

Brazil Banknotes 5 Cruzados Novos on 5000 Cruzados banknote 1989 Candido Portinari
Central Bank of Brazil - Banco Central do Brasil

Obverse: Portrait of Candido Portinari (1903-1962) was one of the most important Brazilian painters and also a prominent and influential practitioner of the neo-realism style in painting. Part of most important work of Candido Portinari, the Tiradentes Panel (1949) that measures 18,00 x 3,00 m, Salão de Atos Tiradentes (Tiradentes Hall of Acts), in São Paulo, Brazil.
Reverse: Portinari draws a painting "Baianas" and detail from the painting "Guerra e Paz" (War and Peace) at right.
Texts: Banco Central do Brasil; Cinco Mil Cruzados; Cinco Cruzados Novos; Deus Seja Louvado.
Watermark: Portrait of Candido Portinari.
Colors: blue, olive, orange.
Size: 154 x 74 mm.
Printer: Casa da Moeda do Brasil (CMB).

Brazilian Currency Banknotes - Brazil Paper Money
1989 Issue
January 1989 Monetary Reform: 1 Cruzado Novo = 1000 Cruzados
black triangular overprint of new currency unit on old Cruzados banknotes

1 Cruzado Novo         5 Cruzados Novos          10 Cruzados Novos