
Brazil 500 Cruzados banknote 1986 Heitor Villa-Lobos

Brazil money currency 500 Cruzados banknote 1986 Heitor Villa-Lobos
Brazil Banknotes 500 Cruzados banknote 1986 Heitor Villa-Lobos conducting with baton

Brazil Banknotes 500 Cruzados banknote 1986 Heitor Villa-Lobos
Central Bank of Brazil - Banco Central do Brasil
Occasion: 100th Anniversary of Birthday of Villa Lobos (1887-1987)

Obverse: Portrait of Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959) was a Brazilian composer, described as "the single most significant creative figure in 20th-century Brazilian art music". Piano keyboard, Giant Lotus or giant water lily of the Amazon basin at center and "Uirapuru" (The Enchanted Bird), musical score by Heitor Villa-Lobos. Uirapuru is an orchestral piece with an elaborate program about the mythical Uirapuru bird in the Amazon jungle.  It's dedicated to ballet choreographer Serge Lifar.
Reverse: Heitor Villa-Lobos conducting with baton. In the background, representing the Brazilian primeval forest in the Amazons, based on an engraving by the German painter Johann Moritz Rugendas.
Texts: Banco Central do Brasil; Quinhentos Cruzados; Deus Seja Louvado.
Watermark: Portrait of Heitor Villa-Lobos.
Colors: green, olive, light-brown.
Size: 154 x 74 mm.
Printer: Casa da Moeda do Brasil (CMB).

Brazilian Currency Banknotes - Brazil Paper Money
1986-1988 Issue

10 Cruzados       50 Cruzados       100 Cruzados       500 Cruzados    

1000 Cruzados        5000 Cruzados        10000 Cruzados

Heitor Villa-Lobos
Heitor Villa-Lobos (born March 5, 1887, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — died November 17, 1959, Rio de Janeiro), Brazilian composer and one of the foremost Latin American composers of the 20th century, whose music combines indigenous melodic and rhythmic elements with Western classical music.
  Villa-Lobos’s father was a librarian and an amateur musician. Under the influence of his father’s weekly musical get-togethers, the boy became interested in music. He learned to play cello (actually a modified viola) at age six and was inspired by music from Johann Sebastian Bach’s A Well-Tempered Clavier that was given to him by an aunt. While traveling with his family to various regions of the vast country, he also developed an interest in native Brazilian folk music. When they returned to Rio de Janeiro, Villa-Lobos began associating and performing with the city’s popular musicians. He learned to play the guitar. He left home at age 18 because his widowed mother opposed his “delinquent” friends and wanted him to become a doctor. Instead, he became a musical vagabond, playing cello and guitar to support himself while traveling throughout the states of Espírito Santo, Bahia, and Pernambuco, absorbing Brazilian folk music and composing his own pieces.
  During this period Villa-Lobos enrolled briefly at the Instituto Nacional de Música in Rio de Janeiro, but he was to continue his travels for three years. He returned to the city with a large group of manuscripts and an intimate knowledge of the Afro-Brazilian music of the country’s northern and northeastern regions. He began a serious study of the works of Bach, Richard Wagner, and Giacomo Puccini, whose influence can be noted in his compositions. In 1915 a concert in Rio de Janeiro featured his compositions, and his career was given a vital boost that same year when the firm of Artur Napoleão began publishing his music. Although many critics initially attacked the dissonance and modernity of his work, he persisted in his efforts to merge Western music and the Brazilian vernacular tradition.
  In 1919 he met the pianist Artur Rubinstein, who helped advance Villa-Lobos’s reputation by playing his music in concerts throughout the world. He composed ceaselessly (about 2,000 works are credited to him in all), and by the time of his first trip to Europe in 1923 he had produced a long list of compositions in every form, from solo pieces for guitar to trios, quartets, concerti, vocal music, and symphonies. The success of his first trip — he made Paris his home base for the remainder of the 1920s — encouraged him to organize and perform in a number of concerts; during this period he published more of his work and solidified an international reputation.
  In Brazil for a performance in 1930, Villa-Lobos presented a plan for music education in the São Paulo school system and was appointed director of music education there. In 1932 he took charge of music education throughout Brazil. He established a conservatory for choral singing in 1942 and, with fellow composer Oscar Lorenzo Fernandez, cofounded the Brazilian Academy of Music in 1945. Between 1944 and 1949 he traveled widely in the United States and Europe, where he wrote music for several films, received many honours, and was much in demand as a conductor.
  As mentioned above, Villa-Lobos’s works are characterized by a singular blend of Western classical music and Brazilian folk songs and rhythms. One of his best-known works is Bachianas brasileiras (written 1930–1945), a set of nine pieces for various instrumental and vocal groups, in which a contrapuntal technique in the manner of Bach is applied to themes of Brazilian origin. A similar series of 14 works, composed between 1920 and 1929, bears the generic title Chôros (the choro is a Brazilian country dance). Each of his 12 symphonies alludes to a historic event or place. Among his many other works are two cello concerti (1915, 1955), Momoprecoce for piano and orchestra (1929), Guitar Concerto (1951), Harp Concerto (1953), Harmonica Concerto (1955), 16 string quartets, Rudepoema for piano solo (1926; orchestrated 1942), and the symphonic poems Uirapurú (1917), Amazonas (1929), and Dawn in a Tropical Forest (1954).