Brazil 5000 Cruzeiros banknote 1990

Brazilian Banknotes 5000 Cruzeiros banknote 1990 Effigy of the Republic of Brazil
Brazilian money currency 5000 Cruzeiros banknote 1990 Coat of arms of Brazil

Brazil Banknotes 5000 Cruzeiros banknote 1990
Central Bank of Brazil - Banco Central do Brasil

Obverse: The Effigy of the Republic of Brazil in medallion (Portuguese: Efígie da República) is used as a national personification, both in Brazil and in Portugal, symbolizing the Republic. Guilloches at center.
Reverse: Coat of arms of Brazil, guilloches at center.
Watermark: The Effigy of the Republic.
Colors: green, brown.
Size: 140 x 65 mm.
Printer: Casa da Moeda do Brasil (CMB).